
Galleri R2

Svaneke, Bornholm

Each summer since 2020, I have had a Pop-up Store at Stig Rex Thomsens’s R2 Gallery in Svaneke on Bornholm.

As part of the Pop-up 2020, I created a line of T-shirts and Hoodie’s, based on my Fragile earring design, which you can still see and buy at my boutique in Copenhagen.

For my 40th birthday, Stig Rex Thomsen, gifted me Niels Martinov’s book; 100 Years of  Fashion History (Modens Historie i mere end 100 år.) 

It was in Niels Matinov’s book that I found inspiration in one of Holger Blom’s period couture gowns and I used the same pattern as the framework for my design of the “Fragile” earrings.